Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Streams of Life Foundation is just one small part of the entire Body of Christ on earth, and our duty given to us by God, to the Pastor in charge as well as all who are willing to be part, is clearly stated in the Bible,

Isaiah 58:12
Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

This is clearly an apostolic mission and it is for all who are willing to come in and join us in all that the LORD has placed in our hands to carry it out as the Spirit of God leads us daily. We are to pass it on from generation to generation. The Word of God is eternal, and so men may come and go, but His Word remains forever. God called Abraham, but when he died, Isaac had to continue. When Isaac died, Jacob had to continue, when Jacob died, his twelve sons had to continue.

Jesus picked twelve gentlemen and trained them as He worked with them on a daily basis. HE needed to do a lot of repairs on them in terms of their character and personality as well as their intimate relationship with God. HE died and rose on the third day, and after a while ascended to the Father. On the day of Pentecost there were about 120 in the upper room who were filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit and today we are running in the millions. It is our responsibility today, to keep going on with the work Jesus came to train us to do and so if you are looking for a place to grow in your Christian walk, or you are willing to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, this is a place for you. Remember always, that we are called to complete and not to compete.  

Sunday & other weekly Services

Sunday service, 10am-12:30pm

The doctrine of "once saved always saved" has caused a lot of troubles in the Body of Christ because it is just like evolution theory. We therefore do not believe in this humanistic false doctrine and as you fellowship more and more with us, we will take you through the Word of God for you to understand things for yourself. There is so much trouble in the world and interestingly people keep asking that if God is real, why is there so much suffering? The simple answer to that question is, we have been refusing to repent whenever the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement. Visit us and learn some more.  
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Prayer & Praise (P&P) on Fridays, 7:30-8:30pm

Because of the innumerable electrical appliances today, we sometimes think we can sort things out through this means or that means since we seem to have so many options before us. Having said all that, we must always remember that there is still no technology higher and greater than the prayer and praise of a righteous man. Remember Elijah was a man just like us, but he prayed for some things to happen. Check it out from your Bible, and do something about it practically. We must pray without stopping. A prayerful church is a powerful church. 
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Home-cell meetings

Sunday services alone can not do the full work in a Christian's life. There are times we need one-on-one sessions, as well as meeting families in their homes where the setting is informal. This gives individuals the opportunity to ask questions they could not ask on Sundays and be taught more and more about knowing the Lord. The apostles in the Bible did a lot of that and we are to keep it up in our day and age. Fellowship with other believers is a key ingredient in any church.
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Your daily duty in the Body of Christ


Efficiency without faithfulness is unhealthy. Charisma without godly character is absolutely useless. God is looking for real and faithful people to work with, and make them into His disciples. The world is crying out for real faithful people. Those kind of people could only be found in Christ. It is one thing to be skilful or talented, but it is another thing to be both skilful or talented as well as being faithful to God.
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Doing things according to God's standards rather than just being legalistic about life.
 Liberty in Christ or legalism?
 The traditions and principles of this world or the standards and principles Jesus came to set for us, since He is the ultimate example for every believer?
You may not have a prison record, or yet still no police record or any of those tags in society. You may be the nicest guy or lady in your neighbourhood, but without Jesus, you are still not a righteous person.
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As Spirit-filled-believers, we have been given the power and ability not to live in sin but rather to live for God and it is a daily-continuous effort. This does not mean you may not have imperfections as an individual, but as soon as the Holy Spirit who lives in you, points them out and convicts you of any shortfalls, it will be time to repent there and then. This is the only way one could grow as a Christian and so it is not an issue of ''once saved always saved''. Repentance is not only on the day you got born-again, but as and when the Lord requires it in your daily walk in Him.
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