We are a church- open to all people from all nations worldwide (Acts 2)

In the book of Acts, God's Word clearly states that every people group under heaven was represented in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. 
The Lord Jesus is not a nationalist, neither is He a democrat or a republican.

 HE is God overall and in all.
The KING of all kings who rules and reigns at the same time whether people agree or not. It is His Will that every congregation on this earth will accommodate all cultures as long as those cultures do not oppose His Kingdom and His Will on earth.

 In every culture there are true godly values as well as some ungodly ones. No culture is more important than the other, just as no human being is important than another.

 It is not about our colour or how polished we think we are on the outside, it is about our hearts and what is inside it.
We remember that God never gave the rainbow for a particular group of people on earth to use it for their own agenda. Rather it is a reminder to God Himself, that He is not going to use water to completely wipe out man from the face of the earth any longer, because the next total wipe out is going to be by fire. I hope we are reading our bibles for ourselves. 


PUSH! Pray Until Something Happens   (Luke 18) 

A prayerful church is a powerful church. A prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian.

 With all our technological advancements and all the noise we are making with our machines and gadgets these days, we can  succeed as practical Christians only when we literally come together to pray as our Lord taught us to do in Matthew 6. 

Our Lord and Master Jesus was prayerful when He walked on earth (Mark 1:35).

HE specifically instructed us to be praying (Luke 18)

HIS first Disciples He chose, who followed Him and saw Him praying regularly, asked Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11)

As Christians today, do we have any excuse not to pray?

Please come and join us every Friday from 7:30-8:30pm for our Prayer & Praise (P&P) service at the Foundation House, Aylesbury Street, Wolverton, MK12 5HX, Milton Keynes.

Our services

People are increasingly becoming more and more godless by the day, and it would only take a daily conscious effort to serve the Lord in various ways such as you can see below and more, to live a true Christian life. Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no person can get to God and succeed without Him.  

Sunday services,10am to 12:30pm

Join us for our Sunday services from 10-12:30pm every week for lessons on practical life experiences as we go through the Bible together and also a time of awesome praise and worship to our God through the use of music.

We are located at the Foundation House, Aylesbury Street, Wolverton, MK12 5HX, Milton Keynes. Just come and experience the Presence of God for yourself.

Weekly Bible lessons for new Christians and  youngsters

There is a group of youngsters in town we have been teaching since 2014 as part of our duty to raise foundations for many generations. We gather them every Monday from 6-7pm, and we give them lessons from the Bible and how to apply them in their daily walk. Teaching them to develop their personal relationship with Jesus. This is the time where all electronic gadgets are put aside while we pick our Bibles and search through the scriptures literally. This is not only for youngsters but also for anybody new in the faith, who would like to know more about God.

Dealing with wounds of the soul

There is a story in 1 Samuel 22:1-2 which clearly states that there were men who were in DISTRESS, those who were in DEBT, and others who were DISCONTENTED, gathered themselves to follow David as he fled out of town due to the disobedience of king Saul. These emotional wounds can never be completely cured without the Word of God. For this reason Jesus came and lived with us as a Man in order to teach us how to survive in the midst of it all. HE did it without sin, but died a sacrificial death for you and I so that we could also follow His example and be free from sin. Remember sin is the cause of our suffering today. Come and learn more about this in any of our services.
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